Friday, August 22, 2008

MFL MarMac Teacher Quality

MONDAY, AUGUST 18 - Monona

On Monday, August 18th, I attended a Teacher Quality Professional Development day in the MFL MarMac Communtiy School District. The day was spent looking at strategies for closing the achievement gap using NEA's C.A.R.E. program. C.A.R.E. stands for Culture, Abilities, Resilience, and Effort. IPD Specialist Elic Senter from the North Carolina Association of Educators facilitated the workshop, which consisted of modeling activities that could be used in the classroom, small group discussion, and brainstorming activities, all centered on making the classroom a more inclusive place for all students. It was a very informative day.

In the photo on the right MFL MarMac teachers and administrators discuss resiliency, the concept of being able to bounce back from adversity. When students are resilient they are more likely to attend school.

Here Angie Hundt, on the left, a high school "school within a school" teacher and Allison Kuehl, a preschool teacher, share ideas.
MFL MarMac educator and ISEA activist Roberta Hass, working with the district's TQ Committee, was instrumental in bringing this NEA program to her district. I think this shows another way that NEA can be very beneficial to our members.
In the photo Roberta is pictured with presenter Elic Senter.

I'd like to thank Supertintendent Dale Crozier and the other administrators and MFL MarMac educators for their hospitality while I was in their district.

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